Google Academy 1 WebIT

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Steffen Ehrhardt, product specialist & project manager emerging markets of Google, made a half-hour introductory presentation of Adwords. Mostly general stuff, but significant ideeas are:

1. don’t pay a lot for keywords, optimize them, look for relevance and you’ll pay less;

2. if you want a free test, just write Google and ask them, you can get a 100$ voucher for a new account/site/campaign (all together)

3. broad results can be very broad, test and look in reports which were the actual keywords Google showed and people clicked on, some may not be ok for you and then you should use “negative” options.

This is #1 live blogging post in WebIT Sofia 2009.

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4 Responses to “Google Academy 1 WebIT”

  1. flavius says:

    accesul la voucher este neconditionat?

  2. Lana says:

    google way it’s the best way

  3. [Blocked by CFC] Devil says:

    incredibil cat de tare este google. nu ai cum sa nu-l iubesti 😀

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