Near future of internet marketing WebIT

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Andrew Bradsford from AOL is trying to guess the near future of internet marketing. Near is about 5 years from now.

In order to know where internet marketing will be in 5 years, we need to imagine where internet will be in 5 years, so AOL created 4 possible future scenarios, all starting from consumers, the kings of internet:

  1. Consumers will force confidentiality, individual will be very important, social media will go very local (Calin Fusu should have been hapy at this one). Internet marketing will be about trust: trust the brand, trust the jurnalist, trust the site;
  2. Consumers will have more and more dependence, they will engage more and more, they will disclose information because they feel good about it, they feel they can express themselves this way. Internet marketing will use behavioural data as we try today, but at an deeper level.
  3. EU and other public authorities, stimulated by consumer organisations will force regulation on full discousure of data, everythig will be open source. Internet marketing will be about understanding the data and interpreting semnatic web.
  4. Consumers will look for the best price, the best deal, trying to avoid what they might feel “manipulation” by behavioural analysis. They will delete all cockies and personal traces. Internet marketing will return to traditional studies, marketing research.

I’d love to see the third scenario as reality, it will be the best value for consumers!

This is #3 live blogging post in WebIT Sofia 2009.

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13 Responses to “Near future of internet marketing WebIT”

  1. Radu says:

    The link for Andrew Bradsford’s profile points to the wrong Andrew 😛

  2. Elena B. says:

    The near future of internet marketing is here! cel putin 2 din punctele expuse, diferenta este ca momentan cele 2 se bat cap in cap si nu cred ca viitorul va schimba ceva. Cumparatorii se inpart in 2, cei care cauta un brand anume si care nu sunt neaparat interesati de pret si cei care cauta pretul del mai mic (majoritari in Romania)

  3. Paraschivescu Florentina says:

    Mie mi se pare ca pentru romania The near future of marketing is sooo far. Poate ca pe hartie suntem cat de cat pe aproape si noi, dar doar pe hartie.

  4. Nina says:

    The future is the marketing, fie el si pe internet :). Pana vine viitorul si la noi (pentru romani viitorul apropiat e mereu mai departe decat pentru altii) cine stie cate schimbari mai apar

  5. Todorescu Anca says:

    Cat as vrea sa cred ca va exista o legislatie unitara in europa pe partea de stiu de ce cred totusi ca in romania va mai dura ceva..the future it’s still in the future

  6. Bogdan Slav says:

    Eu cred cu tarie ca “the near future of internet marketing” cum il numesti tu, sta in siturile de social media

  7. Marian says:

    Imi place cum suna viitorul marketing-ului pe internet..pare sa devina un domeniu din ce in ce mai interesant

    • Irina Iovan says:

      de sunat suna bine, pacat insa ca in romania cel putin the future is far, far away, chiar daca vorbim de marketing-ul pe internet

  8. Bob says:

    the future of internet marketing is here already 🙂 so let’s enjoy it

  9. Andrei says:

    chiar daca viitorul asta pare aproape prin alte romania este inca in the far far away future

  10. Nicoleta says:

    The near future of marketing…sunt chestii foarte interesante in spatele acestui titlu,din pacate in romania ne lipsesc profesionistii adevarati, avem putini ..deci la noi viitorul o sa mai dureze

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