Mobile advertising WebIT

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In the last months, at all the online events I attended, there was something about mobile advertising. I am very interested in it because, in oposition to regular online advertising that I know quite well, mobile advertising is new for me, as I never used it first hand.

Most of those speaches about mobile advertising gave no relevant, useful, practical information to me. Not the one Alexandra Deutsch had today at WebIT.


Imarketing @ Coca-Cola WebIT

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Coca-Cola learned to do online marketing, or Imarketing as they called it. This is bad news. I do hate Coca-Cola (the drink not the company), as I am confident it is very bad for human health and I hopped it will cease to exist in an open communication world that we start living, where people will express their instatisfaction with Coca-Cola (again, the drink). Now I am not so sure anymore … (more…)

Near future of internet marketing WebIT

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Andrew Bradsford from AOL is trying to guess the near future of internet marketing. Near is about 5 years from now. (more…)

The e-Buyers Mind by eBay WebIT

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Alex Marks from eBay opens a very interesting but difficult study: What’s in the e-buyers mind? What do e-shoppers want and how do they respond to advertising. (more…)

Google Academy 1 WebIT

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Steffen Ehrhardt, product specialist & project manager emerging markets of Google, made a half-hour introductory presentation of Adwords. (more…)

WebIT Sofia 2009

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Sofia dimineata

Sofia dimineata

Astazi (si maine) sunt la Sofia, la WebIT 2009. Asa se explica ora indecenta la care m-am trezit azi, 7.30 🙁 (more…)
